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NALEO Educational Fund Applauds the Nomination of Robert Santos to Lead the Census Bureau

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) Educational Fund today released the following statement from CEO Arturo Vargas following the nomination of Robert Santos to serve as Director of the U.S. Census Bureau: “NALEO Educational Fund congratulates Mr. Santos on his nomination to head the U.S. Census Bureau in what would make hi the first Latino and person of color to serve as permanent Director, should the U.S. Senate confirm him. “Mr. Santos has more than 40 years of experience with data, statistics, and social science research, including leadership at the highest levels of top statistical organizations. He also brings extensive knowledge of the census through his research and professional activities, including his service on the Census Advisory Committee for Professional Organizations from 2001 through 2006 and his current leadership role as President of the American Statistical Association. His data and statistics expertise makes him well-qualified to rebuild confidence in the Bureau’s commitment to scientific integrity at a critical time for the nation’s statistical needs. “The Census Bureau’s mission is to serve as the nation’s leading provider of quality data about America’s people and economy. As the Bureau emerges from the most challenging decennial census ever, the experience and perspective Mr. Santos brings will help the Bureau navigate the challenges that remain in processing and disseminating Census 2020 data, ensuring the accuracy of the Bureau’s data products, and preparing for Census 2030 and other surveys. We look forward to working with Mr. Santos to achieve these important goals. “We call upon the U.S. Senate to confirm Mr. Santos without delay so that this critical work for the nation can proceed.”



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